
CANCELLED: Flamingods

Unfortunately, Flamingods have to cancel their WTTV performance due to visa-problems. zZz will fill their spot.

Sway to the exotic psychrock-rythms of Flamingods! Flamingods are a four-piece, multi-instrumental band from Bahrain & London founded in 2010 by Kamal Rasool and now consisting of Rasool, Sam Rowe, Charles Prest and Karthik Poduval.

The group explores and experiments with an array of influences from Western psychedelia, jazz and indie to a wide-eyed obsession with music from the East. Using a vast selection of instruments from the Middle East and Asia, the band marries this with Western instrumentations of synthesisers, guitars and drums to create a potent sound all of its own that they call ‘Exotic Psychedelia’. Their newest record Levitation is set to be released early May